"All I know is that God has blessed me WAY more than I ever expected. Even if God never blesses me again, I have no reason to complain because He's blessed me more than enough and I already have more than I deserve!"

Friday, March 12, 2010

I believe in You, LORD!

Every people in this world has their own problem. Gak ada satupun orang yang gak punya masalah. I remember, ci iflin sermon on last hotspot, when you feel you have a big problem, we should remember that ada orang lain yang punya problem lebih berat dari problem gw. I know sometimes is hard to do that, tapi kalo di pikir2 bener juga. contohnya gini, Ada orang yang binggung gimana caranya bayar rent bulan saat gak punya kerjaan. tapi perna kalian mikir kalo ada orang yang tinggal di kolong jembatan, tanpa ngeluh?

Sekarang gw mau coba belajar besyukur buat apa yang gw punya sekarang. Masalah yang gw punya, Orang2 yang sayang sama gw yang mau bantuin gw di setiap masalah gw, Orang tua yang selalu nguatin gw. Gw mau bersyukur buat itu semua. Gw mau belajar pecaya kalo masalah yang ada dalam hidup itu bikin kita semangkin dewasa. Terutama dalam hubungan kita sama Tuhan. Saat masalah itu ada aturan kita itu refleksi diri. apakah saat kita seneng kita lupa sama Tuhan. atau kita udah merasa hebat dengan apa yang ada sekarang, sehingga kita merasa gak butuh Tuhan. Gw percaya masalah itu ada bukan karan Tuhan kesel sama kita, gw percaya masalah itu ada karan Tuhan sayang sama kita, dia mau kita itu mengandalkan dia. Emank saat kita ada masalah, kita doa, Tuhan kadang gak langsung jawab. Gw percaya itu semua karna Dia pengen ngeliat seberapa sadar kita untuk nunggu jawaban doa, seberapa setianya kita sama dia. Kadang saat kita ada masalah, kita doa, Tuhan belom jawab, kita udah mulai berusaha sendiri. Ngadalin kekuatan kita sendiri.


saat gw nulis ini gw gak berheti nangis mikirin problem gw, sambil berusaha untuk neguhin hati, dan gak goyahh! Let God do his part! Just believe! Noting is impossible!

Nothing Is Impossible

Through You I can do anything
I can do all things
'Cause it's You who gives me strength
Nothing is impossible
Through You blind eyes are open
Strongholds are broken
I am living by faith
Nothing is impossible
I'm not gonna live by what I see
I'm not gonna live by what I feel
Deep down I know that You're here with me
And I know that You can do anything
I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe in you

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A couple hours before i turn 20 =)

I just realize that i'll be 20 in a couple hours. I dont know that i supposed to happy or sad. I also realize about so many things that i've been through. I also realize that its not always happy and fun. sometimes theres are pain and tears. but i know that god always help me in everything. He never leave me alone. even i fail him. i made so many mistake. he always forgive me and stand beside me, he guide me, everywhere. Sometime i dont wanna listen to his voice, but he still whisper.

honestly, im not excited for my bday this year. i dont know why. i wasn't excited for new year last month, and now im not excited for my own bday. isnt it weird? So not me, right??. every year, i always wait and count the day till my bday coming up. but now, nooo. i dont feel that way. maybe this is because so many problem goin on in this 2010. padahal baru juga bulan ke3.hehehhehehe

For this year i just want to be more mature, everyday become closer to God, and my behavior getting better and better each day. I dont wanna ask for rich husband, new bag, new shoes, or this and that. I just want to be a better person. Actually i really want a green card tho, coz i relly wanna be come a us citizen. But i think, it not wise if i force god to give me that freaking green card.=) so from now i wanna learn to surrender all my life, all my future, problem, everything to you GOD!

Welcome 20 years old!!! Thank god for another year=)